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Monday, January 4, 2010

paiseh eh,so long never update blog already
so since esther have been nagging at me to update,i shall update
have been pretty busy,first with common test,
then with camps during the 2 week holiday
i shall talk about my church camp first:D
Turning Points camp was AWESOME!!
haha,it was a 4 day 3 nights camp,so spent a
really good and meaningful time with fellow WEB Youths
we played games and had sermons and morning devotion
first day,everyone in my group, Grey Whales was so quiet and
poor asaph was there trying to make everyone as high as him..haha
so after much effort and games and some warming up with one another,we began to open up
we had this amazing race thing which was really tiring but fun!
so on&off we would kena road-blocks by the game master (trolls)
and our group got a very interesting road block twice
the first time we were already outside sembawang park, and our
road block was to ask some stranger where is sembawang park
so we asked the people living opposite sembawang park
and when we asked,the auntie and uncle gave us a weird look
and said "neh,na bu jiu shi sembawang park liao lor!"
meaning,isnt that sembawang park! HAHA,totally made ourselves a fool,but its ok;D
the other time was when we were already IN sembawang park
and had to do the same road block,so we asked some stranger in the park
we got the same weird looks and answer..haha,it was totally hilarious
then we also had station games where my group completed the stations really fast
so the guys in my group invented some game where one
person had to squat under a cone while the other person throws in a water balloon,
and the balloon will burst and water will splash at the person
so we played this while some others watched in awe
while games were all fun,there was a more important part to the camp:
the sermons and the thought-provoking sessions where we discussed qns abt christianity
certain part of worship was especially emotional and we could just feel God's presence there!
it was great having the privellege to worship our God and
to worship with my fellow brothers and sisters in Christ.
there were many other things that happened but its just too much to say it all here
all in all,this camp has taught me many things!
There is one thing i really want to share with non-believers
this is just so true and worth giving a thought about it:
If God saw that the greatest problem/need of the world was economy,
He would have sent an Economist
If God saw that the greatest problem/need of the world was education,
He would have sent an Educator
If God saw that the greatest problem/need of the world was entertainment,
He would have sent an Entertainer
If God saw that the greatest problem/need of the world was technology,
He would have sent an IT expert
BUT, God saw that the greatest problem of the world was SIN
Therefore,HE sent a Saviour,Jesus Christ,who died for our sins
yeah,think about this... :D

so now i shall move on to trial camp
though it was only a 2 day 1 night camp,
it was kinda tiring and i actually lost 1.5kg!
the things we did were pretty similar to FOC,just that in a smaller scale
games were about the same,but were still fun!
then we also learned some new cheers and worked on the cheers we know
and we had the most dreaded nightwalk too...
i was so freaking scared before nightwalk till the point that
i was having goosebumps that doesn't go away and i was feeling so cold
though i knew it was impossible the SGLs would let us walk in pairs,i was still hoping we wouldn't have to walk alone
but in the end,we still had to walk alone
so waiting was really a torture cause u r constantly getting freaked out
just hearing others screaming in their nightwalk
so after a super long wait,it was my turn..
i really dreaded it,especially the sight of the lift
i always hated the lift part of nightwalk,cause somehow the
SGLs decorating skills are just awesome enough to make u go trembling!
so hesitantly i entered the lift,hoping to get out ASAP
then coz i didn't know if there was anyone inside,i started talking
i was like:"hello,anyone there" for 3 times,but i got no reply and the lift was so quiet
so i thought,ok,there isn't anyone
then some people suddenly grabbed my leg and i started
screaming and they started screaming too
so when i finally got out of the lift i walked super cautiously to prevent
myself from getting scared by some SGLs hiding somewhere
unfortunately,most of the time the SGLs succeeded in making me scream D:
so when i almost finished the nightwalk,just only needed to open the door,
renee pushed the door from outside and i just screamed again
then the 2 AGLs outside laughed at me..like so malu eh..
woah,but after the whole nightwalk,my heart just
literally felt so tired from having to jump so many times
then some ppl still said it wasn't scary...
looks like i really gotta boost up my courage before FOC then
2nd day had some really dirty games with planta,eggs,flour and others!
lectured,cheered,home sweet home! :D
aiyoh,my hand very tired already,got to go now!

Penguin hugs Mammoth @9:32 PM

Monday, November 30, 2009

i shall talk abt the post-otc BBQ i had ytd!
it was GREAT!
haha,i met mummy,jie and mei at tampines
then we went around looking for clothes which all 4 of us will wear tgt
and u can expect how difficult it is to find clothes when its
1 big-sized person walking with 3 other small-sized ppl
so we walk walk walk until give up
so jie thought of a brilliant idea to go bedok for our last hunt
and so we bought our blue tank top in this cheap cheap shop:D yay!
then we made our way there,changed in one of the toilets and
fascinated over sizes and how cool we looked wearing blue tank tops tgt
then we went to the pit and started eating the food
thanks to whoever who helped in the cooking!
and i got happy news to bring!
my dear mammoth is now our sister and since her birthday is earliest
mammoth is da jie!
so let me attempt in confusing u:D
mammoth calls me mei, calls zoe xiao mei and calls elvina er mei (?)
elvina calls me mei, calls zoe babe and calls mammoth da jie
i call elvina jie, call mammoth da jie and call zoe mei
zoe calls me jie, call elvina babe and call mammoth da jie
haha,i am not exactly sure also
yes! so welcome mammoth da jie into our family tree:D haha
oh! and mummy treated us to breezers, a very mild alcoholic drink ytd
i think it was somewhat my first time(:
yep,so i left the BBQ at around 10.45 then my parents fetched me home
had a great day!

Penguin hugs Mammoth @10:43 PM

Friday, November 27, 2009

Hey Mammoth!
this post is specially dedicated to u;D
hmmm...all i want to say is
no matter what,u will always have penguin by yr side!<3
and u can always come and find me when u need a listening ear
or just a buddy penguin by yr side!
haha,anyways,don't be sad or anything kays?

Penguin hugs Mammoth @5:10 PM

haven't blogged for 2 days cause i was busy..
shall talk abt wed training!
we had suicide+endurance which was really tiring!
but most of us managed to endure it and survive till the end
then we had games!
i was in Shrooms Burger group!:D one of the few times
i got to be in the same group as mammoth!
our first game was Lollipop,which the aim of it was to keep
our constructed lollipop as dry as possible
was fun though we didn't exactly managed to keep it dry
then we had this handicap game where we had to walk
from engineering block back to pyrimids
and here's the catch: we had to be "handicapped"
so we lucky dipped how we would be handicapped
the first time i got 2 hands to be tied,and i was happy to get a fairly easy one:D
then since each person had to have 2 handicaps,we had to draw for another one
then,i got blinded as my second handicap!
so i got to experience how scary it is to actually walk and u can't see anything
especially going down the stairs!
but we reached to Chance station where 2 of us got one of our handicaps off
so my blindfold was removed! haha,so i was the guide among me,cain,mei and ain
cain and mei was blinded,muted and their hands had to be tied to mine,
so i was in the middle,then ain was muted and tied to mei.
so i was the only one who could talk.haha,yeah,so i was lucky
despite all the handicaps,Shrooms managed to reach pyrimids first:D
(but we didnt actually walk as a group)
then cleared 70 pumpings,had briefing,had a short STORM meeting
then chiong to bathe coz i had to reach home by 10.30
after that i decided to walk from the back gate from sports complex there
to the bukit timah bus stop cause it was faster
walking there alone was kinda scary cause its dark and its late
then when crossing the small road there,there was this silly truck
then somehow the guys inside were whistling at me
so i freaked out and walked faster,pretending not to hear them
then walked on and had these 2 grps of guys,one grp smoking..
what an experience!
still,managed to reach home at 10.35pm..
cooked instant noodles for dinner then chiong to study cell bio
was dead tired but had to force in the info..
slept at 2.10am
yep,that's it abt my Wonderful Wed! :D

Penguin hugs Mammoth @4:32 PM

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

I need to upgrade my brain's RAM to 97596740389GB
there is so much info to squeeze into my head!!
my brain is feeling dead and squeezed dryXP

Tmr got LSCT training!
Get to see my fellow GLs again! :D
and,i don't really care if others keep saying LSCT is a sucky and loser society-.-
it doesn't really affect me cause i know i will have my fellow GLs;D

Penguin hugs Mammoth @12:59 AM

Monday, November 23, 2009

Tmr got Infotech test! sigh...

Today had cell bio practical! and it was fun:D coz i got to extract my own DNA and put it in a little eppendorf tube
but my mouth was a little aching after having to generate at least
2ml of saliva in order to get the DNA
and i dyed it purple! its so pretty! u can see a huge DNA strand in a purple liquid!
haha,but after this we went to work on some chicken DNA
then had break,went emart to complete the drawing of the DNA structure
met jie,mei,panda samurai kim and other fellow GLs! ;D
after that got Dr Ong tutorial...he called me to answer something which i dont't know
so paiseh...but he called me again for another qns,which luckily i know
haha,esther was being so nice as to ignore me when i needed help up there
coz she scared Dr Ong also call her
anyway,its just fun to kajiao esther during organic chem lectures or tutorials
i hope she isn't reading this or she will probably slaughter me

then had cell bio...
the whole process was just struggling to stay awake and listen
today i was quite successful at it coz i had tidbits to munch on..haha
okie dokie,gtg to study!
got cell bio test on thurs and LSCT training on wed,so gotta study earlier *bleah*

Penguin hugs Mammoth @7:08 PM

Stressed up Penguin
Sunday, November 22, 2009

So many things to do!!
To-do List
1. Organic Chem Tutorial 4 & 5
2. Cell Biology Tutorial 3A
3. Biostatistics Tutorial 3
4. Cell Biology Project
5.Study for Cell Biology test
6.Prepare for Infotech test
6. Communication Toolkit Write up
7. Logistics list for STORM

I need alot of energy and strength to do all these..
I need motivation to carry on..
And I am glad I have a bunch of friends & fellow GLs to urge me on:D

i thought things were all simple and nice..
but it started to turn rather complicated to a point its scary

Penguin hugs Mammoth @10:49 PM